Coastal and offshore studies rely on quality atmospheric and oceanographic data to ensure that the ambient and climate extremes are appropriately considered. Numerical hindcasting techniques provide an efficient and cost-effective method to generate these data. It is a rapidly deployable, powerful tool for providing information on metocean parameters going back to 1979. It provides vital inputs to optimize commercial marine operations and structures' safety, efficiency, and durability. We run the latest models and use the most advanced techniques. With local measurements for calibration and validation, the atmospheric and oceanic (including coastal) processes and extreme historical events are replicated with high accuracy.
You receive an accurate, localized, long-term record of marine conditions worldwide at any open ocean or coastal location. Metocean data is available as gridded data (for spatial analysis), statistics, or time series. Our hindcast archives include the following metocean parameters:
Wind Data - wind speed and direction
Wave Data - Wave hight, period, and direction for total, swel, and wind sea
Currents - Tidal, residual, and combined
Water Level - Tidal height/elevation, surge
2D Wave Spectra
When required, we can conduct additional detailed modeling for critical operations and/or complex environments. We can also run detailed models for landfall locations, estuarine, and ports. Modeling capabilities include:
Atmospecric modeling using WRF
Wave generation, propagation, and transformation - from the open ocean to within port and harbors, using SWAN, WW3, CGWAVE, and FUNWAVE
2D and 3D hydrodynamic solutions for tidal, wave-driven, wind-driven, or regional low-frequency flows can be applied to regional or local scale geographies. Operational forecasting and hindcasting of tidal, wind, and pressure-driven flows are carried out using POM. Fully three-dimensional baroclinic models can also be implemented, with ROMS for coastal oceans or the finite element SELFE for estuarine and complex coastal environments.
Dispersion and transport of sediments, pollutants, and objects are studied using lagrangian particle solutions.
Oil spill modeling using the GNOME oil spill model integrated with our current models.